Sun Valley Ski Tools Grinding Stones and Diamond Dressers
Diamond Stone Dressers
You can't match the quality of these dressers any where. Made from tool steel with the highest grade industrial diamonds available. We offer these dressers in two different con figurations. Additional configurations available on request. We guarantee these diamond
dressers to be the best avail able. If you don't agree, we will offer a prompt refund.
Hermes Premium Grinding Stones
The key to superior ski grinds is linked directly to the quality of the stone. There are many replacement stones available on the market today that have attractive prices but produce very in con sis tent structure on the ski base, not to mention the constant redressing that is required. SVST is offering stones produced by Hermes Abrasives. These are top quality German stones that will produce the grinds you are looking for. We offer a hub exchange program. Send us your hub and we will recondition it, mount and balance the stone, and ship it back to you the same day. For same day order and shipping a $250.00 refundable hub deposit is required.